How Camera-Shy Introverts Can Gain Valuable Online Skills and Earn From Home

As a camera-shy introvert, my journey online has been an interesting one.


For 32 years, I worked in a car dealership and felt “stuck” there all day. Have you ever felt stuck at a job that you wanted to escape? If so, you may want to hear my short story.

When I was there, I could not leave the building until 5:00 and even then, I could not leave if new customers came through the door. This was a common thing because that was the time of day when everyone got off from work and came to look at cars.

Because of this, I spent all my “off” time trying to figure out ways to earn from home.


I was looking for ways to escape this daily “jailhouse” I was in. So, I would stay up late, until the wee hours of the morning and I could barely keep my eyes open. After the kids had gone to bed. I was searching for online opportunities.

I remember, I never wanted to go to sleep because I knew that if I did, it would be time to go back to the jailhouse building again.

And the whole thing would start all over. I even went to college part-time to get a degree in psychology. I studied marketing online.

And I spent years studying personal development courses to help me get over my many fears.

But because there were so many other distractions…


By the time I would get back to whatever I was working on, it didn’t even make sense to me anymore. And I would have a new idea. And I would start over. Again.

Eventually, I left and went into real estate. Mistakenly, I thought this would solve my “freedom” problem.

It did not! I was now taking real estate calls at all hours of the night. If I didn’t answer the phone, someone else would. And I would lose the sale. I found myself venturing into unfamiliar neighborhoods with strangers in the dark by myself.

Twice, my car got flooded, working its way through heavy rainfall.

“Okay, so this is not the answer…” I told myself after a decade of these experiences.


But then, after Covid hit, I decided to take advantage of the quarantine and take some marketing courses. I spent 5 years creating my own courses, at every chance I got. “I know. I’ll share my knowledge and sell online courses,” I thought.

But then it came time to “sell” those courses and I realized I had a problem. A big problem. I was terrified of going “public.” I found myself incapable of getting on camera and doing live-streaming videos.

I didn’t want to share my private life with the public.


I finished my courses while navigating menopause and then one day, I looked in the mirror. And now I was old. “Oh, this will help me want to get on camera,” I thought.


“Oh, I know. I will design websites and sales funnels…” the solution to everything. Right?

Wrong. Why? Because I was diagnosed with arthritis, it became more and more difficult to navigate those fine details. I loved it. But my hands did not.

Then one day I realized something that I wish would have occurred to me long before. It became so obvious that it hit me. BIG.

I could recommend other people’s products and services and I wouldn’t have to get on camera.


At least not nearly as much. I wouldn’t have to deal with customer service. I didn’t even need to create digital info products if I didn’t want to… And I didn’t need to spend hours on the computer typing. Now, this is called affiliate marketing, and I was already familiar with it.

But in the past, I would question and doubt if what I was promoting was helping people. And so, my conscience would stop me in my tracks. But eventually, I began to run across some high-quality programs that I knew people would benefit from. So, I decided to give it another try.

Because if I chose this path, I would not need to be responsible for running an entire digital info product business. And I didn’t need to get on camera to sell anything. All I had to do was send people to the experts who did the selling for me.

So, then I wondered, “What was I to do with all those courses I created?”

Because it would be such a waste and downright sad not to share them with others who could benefit. After all, they contained 20 years’ worth of valuable information about creating digital info products. The knowledge that I had spent thousands of dollars to learn.

I might not have been an extrovert expert marketer, but one thing was for sure…

I knew a LOT about graphic design, web design, and digital info products. Because I love creative projects online. And if there was a way to get around being on camera, I found it.

So, I decided to do the unthinkable.


I decided instead of selling all these courses as “high-ticket” programs, (as was recommended to me by the experts…) I could just GIVE THEM ALL AWAY to anyone who took me up on any of my recommendations. This way, I could still get a monthly, recurring residual income. And teach my audience to do the same.

I could still share all those valuable skills with others. But at the same time, I could refer my audience to the experts who had TEAMS of people to help them.

I could refer them to people who were far more successful than I was. And I could share with them courses, software, and programs that I knew would help them. And bypass the ones that did not pass the “conscience” test.

I had tried so many things by that time, I knew what a reputable company was and what was not.

So, I decided to create a valuable course that I would give away for 100% FREE.


A course that would give people helpful information and even teach some very valuable skills. Throughout the course, I made recommendations for quality products and services. The people who checked it out could take me up on those offers if they wanted, but nothing was required and there were no obligations.

If they did take me up on them, I would give them ALL my other courses as bonuses.

And if not, no hard feelings. I knew I was helping people, and I knew that what I was offering would be exactly what some people wanted and needed. And for the others… I simply shared with them information and skills that they could use for the rest of their lives.

This set right with my conscience.


And that is when I realized that my conscience had been a big part of what was holding me back. And the reason was because I was always worried about the person on the other end of the transaction.

It was important to me to make things better for them and not worse. Because after all the courses I had taken throughout the years, some of them made things better. And some of them did not. I never wanted to be one of those people who caused more harm than good.

So, this brings me to an offer that I want to make to you right here and right now. And offer that surely you would not want to turn down. Unless of course, you just don’t like to learn valuable online skills. (And some people don’t.) I get that.

But if you do like learning valuable skills that can help you earn online…

I want to give you the FREE course that I created, just for you.

And yes, it is 100% FREE. If you do take me up on any of my recommendations, then that would help me tremendously and I am sure that we will all be happy. And you would be helping my three precious granddaughters, which, truth be known, this is my reason for everything…

If you do take me up on my recommendations, I know that it will be exactly what you are looking for and what you need. And if you do not, I still wish you the best…

But, I do ask only one thing from you…


Please only use the skills that I teach you for good. Because one of my greatest desires is to help make the world a better place… For my children and grandchildren, your children and grandchildren, and generations to come.

Because I am positive that these skills can help you no matter which path you choose in life… No matter what you decide to do with the rest of your life.

Does that sound fair? If so, go get that free course now.


It is called, Personal Developers.” And I look forward to getting to know you on the other side.

Either way, I wish many blessings for you today and every day!



PS: Would you like to learn about a network of Christian women who are growing personally and professionally, while learning online skills?

If so, check out this article.